Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Safety: PERSONAL on the job Back Care


Nearly 25% of the lost-time injuries in construction are related to the back. More than half of these injuries result from lifting excessive weight or lifting incorrectly.

To prevent injuries, you need

1. proper posture
2. correct lifting techniques
3. regular exercise.


Correct posture is not an erect, military pose. It means maintaining the naturally occurring curves in your spine.

You have two inward curves – at the neck and low back – and one outward curve at the upper back.

Keeping your spine aligned in this manner reduces everyday stresses on your back and minimizes the effects of the normal aging process on the spine.

When working in a crouched, bent, or stooping position for a prolonged period, take regular breaks by standing up and bending backwards three times.

for more diagrams and information click here to read on

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