Monday, December 17, 2012

Some apprenticeships in the WEST

Job ID Trade City  #
12479 Electrical in Hamilton x 2 4th year
12457 Automotive Service Technician in Hamilton x 1 4th year
12448 Gas Technician in Wingham x 1 0 year
12399 Industrial Electrician in Listowel x 4 1st year
12348 Truck & Trailer Service Technician in St. Agatha  x 1 4th year
12346 Auto Body Repairer in Hamilton x 1 1st year
12337 General Machinist in Cambridge x 1 1st year
12332 Construction Millwright in Newton x 2 3rd year
12328 CNC Programmer in Cambridge x 1 4th year
12314 General Machinist in Cambridge x 2 4th year
12283 Automotive Service Technician in Stoney Creek x 1 3rd year
12189 Tool Maker in Cambridge x 1 1st year
12155 Tool & Die Maker in Cambridge x 1 1st year

To apply to these job vancacies and more go to
and register or login and apply.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Safety: LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES on the job site



The health and safety responsibilities of all parties on a construction project are specified in the current Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects.
Responsibilities are prescribed in particular for constructor, employer, supervisor, and worker. Each party has specific responsibilities to fulfill on a construction project.
For more detailed information, consult the current Act and Regulations.

Remember — safety begins with you!


• Appoint a supervisor if 5 or more workers are on the project at the same time. Ensure that the project is supervised at all times.

• A project that lasts more than 3 months and has 20 or more workers must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee.

• If a Joint Health and Safety Committee is not required and there are more than 5 workers, the workers must select a Health and Safety Representative.

• Complete a Ministry of Labour (MOL) registration form.

• Keep a copy of all employer-approved registration forms on site while employers are on the project.

• Send a notification of project to the MOL.

• Develop written emergency procedures, make sure your employees know what they are, and post them on site.

• Ensure ready access to a telephone, two-way radio, or other system in the event of an emergency.

• Report a fatality, critical injury, or other prescribed incident such as a critical injury to the MOL.

• Ensure all workers on site are at least 16 years of age.


• Read Sections 25 and 26 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It lists many of your responsibilities.

• Appoint a supervisor if 5 or more of the employerʼs workers are on the project at the same time. Ensure that they are supervised at all times.

• Provide workers with training as required by law (Working at Heights, WHMIS, etc.).

• Ensure workers are qualified to do work which must be done only by qualified workers (electricians, pipe fitters, etc.).

• Develop written procedures for rescuing a worker whose fall has been arrested (a worker hanging by a harness).

To read more Download a copy of the 11 page PDF here

Friday, November 30, 2012

Don't Abandon Your Job Search Over The Holidays

5 Reasons to Continue Job Hunting over the Holidays

Job seekers who put their searches on hold during December may miss out on valuable opportunities unique to this month. Get rid of the outdated notion that nothing worthy happens in the hiring world between Thanksgiving and New Year and take advantage of the following:

1.  New openings
The end of the year is a prime time for retirements and internal promotions, which create vacancies that need to be filled. Likewise, some companies begin a new budget cycle in January – providing managers with money to hire staff. Smart businesses want to settle their staffing needs now so that they can proceed full steam ahead when the calendar turns.

2.  Less competition
The applicant pool often shrinks during the month of December as job searchers become engrossed in holiday plans or assume hirers will be out of the office. Fewer résumés coming in means yours has a better chance of being noticed.

3.  No-pressure networking
Tired of always feeling like you’re “bugging” people in your network? Christine Bolzan, founder of Graduate Career Coaching, notes that an easy and highly effective way to reach individuals and stay on their minds without asking for anything is to send holiday greetings.
“Reaching out to your contacts only when there is a current opening at a target company is too late. You’ve missed the boat, and in this tight job market, timing is everything. During the holiday season, there are so very many ways to make contacts and touch base with individuals who will subsequently have you in mind when hiring resumes in January. A nice card sent via U.S. Postal Service (NOT e-mail) with a handwritten, personalized message inside is the perfect ‘ping’ to those in your network,” Bolzan says.

To read more of this article click here

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some jobs Currently unfilled in the West

Register and apply or login if you already have an account at

Job# 12374 General Machinist in Cambridge x1 0yrs experience

Job# 12348 Truck & Trailer Service Tech in Waterloo x1 4yrs experience

Job# 12346 Auto Body Repairer in Hamilton x1 1yr experience

Job# 12345 Industrial Mechanic Millwright in Guelph x1 2yrs experience

Job# 12208 Machine Tool Builder in Stoney Creek  x1 1yr experience

Job# 12189 Tool Maker in Cambridge x1 1yr experience

Job# 12179 Tire Wheel & Rim Mechanic in Stoney Creek x1 0yrs experience

Job# 12155 Tool & Die Maker in Cambridge x1 1yr experience

Job# 12101 General Machinist in Elora x1 1 or 2yrs experience

Job# 12085 Instrumentation & Control Tech. in Hamilton x4 1yr experience 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Safety: Winter's coming, information on Cold Stress


- Core temperature
- Wind chill
- Hypothermia
- Frostbite
- Risk factors
- Controls
- Exposure limits

Cold stress or hypothermia can affect workers who are not protected against cold. The cold may result naturally from weather conditions or be created artificially, as in refrigerated environments.
Cold is a physical hazard in many workplaces. When the body is unable to warm itself, serious cold-related illnesses and injuries may occur, leading to permanent tissue damage and even death.
Workplaces exposed to cold, wet, and/or windy conditions include

- roofs
- open or unheated cabs
- bridges or other projects near large bodies of water
- large steel structures that retain cold or are exposed to cold
- high buildings open to the wind
- refrigerated rooms, vessels, and containers.

This section provides information on

- effects of overexposure to cold
- factors that can worsen these effects
- control measures.
Knowing this information can help construction workers
avoid hypothermia and frostbite.

Core Temperature

The body tries to maintain an internal (core) temperature of approximately 37°C (98.6°F). This is done by reducing heat loss and increasing heat production. Under cold conditions, blood vessels in skin, arms, and legs constrict, decreasing blood flow to extremities. This minimizes cooling of the blood and keeps critical internal organs warm. At very low temperatures, however, reducing blood flow to the extremities can result in lower skin temperature and higher risk of frostbite.

Click here to download PDF and read more

Watch for more safety informatioln to come

Friday, November 16, 2012

Some jobs currently unfilled in the Western Region

Trade Job # City      # of Vacancies   # of years of apprenticeship 
General Machinist 12253 Cambridge       1           0
Tool & Die Maker 12233 Guelph        1           0
Auto Body Repairer 12259 Hamilton       2           2
Auto Body Painter 12260 Hamilton       1           4
Cook 12274 Guelph        3           0
Automotive Service Technician 12283 Stoney Creek       1           3
Truck & Coach Technician 12302 Hamilton       2           1
Const. & Maint. Electrician 12312 Cambridge       1           2
General Machinist 12314 Cambridge       2           4
CNC Programmer 12328 Cambridge       1           4
Construction Millwright 12332 Newton       2           3

To apply to these jobs and more register and or login at

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Canadian Website to Promote Careers in Trades

DAILY NEWS Nov 9, 2012

New Canadian Website to Promote Careers in Trades

Two national organizations, the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum and Skills/Compétences Canada, have partnered to revamp the popular Careers in Trades website and ensure Canadian youth have to access up-to-date information on skilled trades careers.

“Apprenticeship stakeholders across trades, across sectors and across Canada tell us promoting careers in the skilled trades is a fundamental priority,” said Sarah Watts-Rynard, Executive Director of the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum. “With skills shortages looming in many trades, ensuring youth and students have opportunities to explore career options in the trades is as important to the Canadian economy as it is to individuals suited to hands-on, well paid and highly-satisfying work.”
The revamped website features step-by-step information on how to take up an apprenticeship, lists the advantages of a career in the trades, and offers youth, educators and parents stories from real apprentices across Canada. Over the next few months, additional resources for educators and students will also be updated.

"We are pleased to partner with the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum to reintroduce the Careers in Trades website,” said Shaun Thorson, CEO of Skills/Compétences Canada. “It will be a valuable resource for thousands of career seekers looking for a rewarding future in the trades and technologies. Supporting and promoting apprenticeship and training is essential to meet the demand for qualified skilled trades professionals."

The original Careers in Trades website was developed by the two organizations and launched more than five years ago as part of a national career awareness campaign. It remains one of the most popular sites in Canada for information in the skilled trades.

The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is an inclusive national body that brings together all of the stakeholders in Canada’s apprenticeship community to share common challenges and identify solutions, promote careers and research apprenticeship barriers and best practices.

Skills/Compétences Canada is a national, not-for-profit organization that actively encourages and supports a coordinated Canadian approach to promoting careers in skilled trades and technologies to Canadian youth.

Visit the new site at

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

From apprentice to entrepreneur

From: Canada Business Network -Government Services for Entrepreneurs

October 25, 2012 • Tags: Startup, Training
Sometimes the best way to learn something is to do it. Taking the leap to start a business in a skilled trade might be your dream, and learning from someone who is already in business may be the perfect place to start. Your journey to entrepreneurship could begin with apprenticeship.
So what are the benefits of choosing apprenticeship? As an apprentice, you:
  • Experience the work first hand
  • Learn the skills that are needed for your trade
  • Get paid while you train
You can choose from over 140 exciting trades that are part of apprenticeship programs in Ontario. When you enrol in a program, you will likely be trained in the workplace for 2 to 5 years. This hands-on training gives you the chance to learn about the industry directly and network with others in your field.
Another benefit of apprenticeship is the availability of financial support for you and your employer. As an apprentice, you may qualify for a scholarship or grant of up to $2,000 to help you pay for training or tools. Your employer may be eligible for the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit or financing to hire and train you as an apprentice in specific skilled trades.

Link to the article

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Third Time Is A Charm

It is very hard to put into words how I feel about driving the apprenticesearch car.  It seems like only a few weeks ago we had our first meeting.  Looking back it is amazing what we have accomplished together.  I am honoured and very proud to say that together we have won our third Ontario Pro Challenge Championship!!!!!!!  We finished up this season at Sunset Speedway, everyone drives fast at this track.  After winning two races in a row, you would think that we had the car to beat, right?  Not wanting to sit back and just go racing, my team went for a whole new setup.  I know, it is crazy to try something new when all seems good.  We wanted to expand our learning.  We documented every change, to make it easy to go back if things didn't work out.  From our first lap the car felt different, it felt slow.  I mean really slow, like I was pulling another car around the track.  Not exactly what I wanted to feel.  In the pits we looked at the lap times.  My initial thought was my team started celebrating a little early!!!! The stop watch never lies, so out for the second practice we went.  This time we went out first in line to gauge what we have for the competition.  Sure enough the car felt slow, but the other drivers were getting smaller in my mirrors.  Knowing that we found something good, we parked the car and waited for the racing to start.  Starting in last again, we were in the lead on lap 3 and driving away to the victory.  A seventh starting spot in the feature, and right up to the lead in 4 laps.  This car was great, my driving was as good as ever.  We did have some company, the 02 car was a rocket as well.  We drove side by side for almost 12 laps before I could clear him and drive away.  It was an amazing race, the most aggressive I have ever driven.  Turns out the car isn't so slow after all.  We had a perfect night, 54 points and winning the championship cup.   I would like to thank everyone at for their support and kind words.  Thanks to every visitor to this blog as well.  It was great to see everyone at the track this year.  Looking forward to next year already. 
Stay tuned to see the complete rebuild and painting of the car in the off season.
Any ideas for a new paint scheme?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fact vs Fiction:
The Ontario College of Trades

Fact vs Fiction
Get the facts:

The College of Trades’ membership fee is not a tax
The College of Trades is not a school
The College of Trades will not make all trades compulsory
The College of Trades is not a bureaucracy
The College of Trades will not restrict young people from entering the trades
The College of Trades invites tradespeople to help set apprenticeship ratios
The College of Trades will help the economy and skilled trades professionals

FICTION: The College of Trades will impose an $84 million dollar tax on tradespeople and employers.

FACT: Like other regulatory colleges in Ontario, the Ontario College of Trades will be funded through membership fees. This is not a government fee.

The College’s budget in 2013 is about $20 million. To suggest that the budget is $84 million is simply wrong.

The membership fees will fund the operation of an industry-led organization that will protect the public interest by regulating and promoting the skilled trades. Previously, the cost of running the skilled trades system was paid for by the taxpayers of Ontario. The fees charged by the government did not come close to covering the cost of a self-governing regulatory college.

The College’s membership fees have not been decided yet, but they will be the lowest of any regulatory College in Ontario.

FICTION: The College is a union-run school that will provide training and education in the skilled trades. 

FACT: The Ontario College of Trades is not a training institution, like a community college or trade school. The College is a regulatory body, similar to the College of Teachers, the College of Nurses or the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

The College represents the trades in Ontario. It’s led by a Board of Governors made up of representatives from all trade sectors, employers and employees, union and non-union, compulsory and voluntary trades, as well as members of the public.

The College has a mandate to protect the public interest by regulating the skilled trades sector. The College will certify tradespeople to high industry standards and will help attract talented young people to careers in the skilled trades.

Tor ead more of the facts from the list click this link to go to the College of Trades Website

Friday, September 28, 2012

Skilled trades training equips women
for career and life success

Skilled trades training equips women for career and life success
Posted on September 27, 2012 by mcdonaldm

 Burlington, ON: Four students in the Women in Skilled Trades (WIST) Enhanced General Carpentry program were recognized with scholarships at a ceremony held today at The Centre for Skills Development & Training

The four scholarship recipients are: Meagan Bremer of Carlisle (ATHENA scholarship award); Tracey Fisher of Stoney Creek (ATHENA scholarship award); Liane Seager of Hamilton (ATHENA scholarship award); and Marisa Mateus of Oakville (RESCON scholarship award).

“The WIST scholarships were established to recognize leadership qualities and the willingness of students to be ambassadors for women in the skilled trades—and each one of this year’s recipients embodies these characteristics,” said Kathy Mills, Chief Administrative Officer of The Centre. “These women, and all the women in the WIST program, are taking extraordinary steps to improve their lives, and we wish them the best success in the future.”

 The scholarships, in the amount of $500 each, were provided by the Athena Scholarship Fund (a fund held within the Oakville Community Foundation) and RESCON (the Residential Construction Council of Central Ontario).

 Representatives from the Halton Industry Education Council (HIEC) and were on hand at the ceremony to announce a new scholarship. This new scholarship will be awarded to one WIST graduate who is proceeding into an apprenticeship.

“HIEC and are excited to partner again with The Centre and offer a scholarship to one deserving graduate from its Women in Skilled Trades (WIST) program,” said Jennifer Sorbara, Liaison. is a free online service connecting employers and apprentices with job opportunities in the skilled trades across Ontario. “With the help of Centre staff and instructors, the $500 scholarship will be awarded to a WIST graduate who is passionate about pursuing a career in the skilled trades through an apprenticeship. We wish all of the future graduates tremendous success as they complete their program.”

To read more of the this article click here to go to The Centre's page

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Some apprenticeships in Western Ontario

Job# 12103 Automotive Service Technician 1st or 2nd yr apprentice in Stoney Creek
Job# 12141 Refrigeration & Air Cond. Technician 3rd yr apprentice in Waterloo
Job# 12124 Automotive Service Technician 2nd yr apprentice in Cambridge
Job# 12101 General Machinist 1st or 2nd yr apprentice in Elora
Job# 12085 Instrumentation & Control Tech. x4 1st yr apprentice in Hamilton
Job# 12072 C&M Electrician 4th yr apprentice in Waterloo
Job# 12066 CNC Programmer x2 0 yr apprentice in Cambridge
Job# 12058 General Machinist x2 1st yr apprentice in Cambridge
Job# 12038 Truck & Trailer Service Tech. x2 1st yr apprentice in St. Agatha

For these apprenticeships and more goto and login.

If you don't have an account you can create one for FREE here by supplying some basic information about yourself and uploading your resume. When approved you can search our database for apprenticeships across Ontario. If you are an employer wanting to post a FREE apprenticeship vacancy and have a profile login and create a job posting. If need to create a profile, and upload a job you can here If you already have an account and can't remeber your username and or password contact us at or phone 1.877.905.2748 x20

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ontario College of Trades will protect apprentices

OCOT will protect apprentices 
(Letter from Pat Blackwood, Vice-Chairperson Ontario College of Trades)
Dear Editor,

In your article of Aug. 23 about the Ontario College of Trades (OCOT), it is only telling one side of the story, and quite frankly has been fueled by misinformation.

The OCOT will serve in its intended capacity to increase advocacy and improve training for trades people and apprentices that will serve to protect consumers.

The college would allow trades people to come to the table and help govern their own industry, rather than the coalitions opposing the college, who would rather have a bureaucrat at Queens Park regulate the trade.

In their own argument against the college, vice-chair Susan McGovern claims that contractors will have to lay off apprentices because they are violating the ratios that govern these apprenticeships by law.

This is one of the reasons there is a need for a self-governing body, to protect apprentices from being abused and taken advantage of by contractors, who do not properly indenture them, and who do not train the apprentices according to the current regulations TQQA.

Apprentices find themselves, three or four years down the road, not being able to complete their apprenticeship, as they were not properly registered in the first place.  These same contractors hold themselves out as being qualified, yet are not properly certified themselves. Yes, I can certainly see why this association is opposed to the college.

To say that the OCOT is an $84 million tax grab is just untrue; our budget for 2013 is $20 million....

To see the rest of the article click here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Carpenters Union opens drywall apprenticeship
training school in Sudbury, Ontario

From The Daily Commercial News and Construction Record
September 18th, 2012

Students in drywall apprenticeship prepare work stations out of steel stud frame at the new drywall training centre at Carpenters Local 2486 in Azilda, Ontario.

Carpenters Union opens drywall apprenticeship training school in Sudbury, Ontario
At the end of every weekend for eight weeks straight Robert Rapp packed his bags, said goodbye to his wife Pam and two young children Jake and Bobbie, and made the 4.5-hour drive from his home in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario to Ottawa. 

His long trek was to the Ottawa Walls and Ceiling Training Centre where Rapp took classes Mondays to Fridays to complete his drywall apprenticeship training.
Being that far from home five days a week wasn’t easy. Finding room and board on a small fixed budget rarely is. Back in Sturgeon Falls his wife had her hands full taking care of the kids. Life apart was challenging for both of them. 

Rapp completed his final classes earlier this February and got his journeyman papers in March. 

To read on click here

Friday, September 21, 2012

Safety: Ladders
Very Informative worth a read

LADDERS this is as 6 page PDF with Illustrations Very informative

Every year in the Ontario construction industry more than 350 lost-time injuries are caused by ladder accidents. Many of these accidents involve falls resulting in serious injuries and fatalities. Falls from ladders are common to all trades and pose one of the most serious safety problems in construction. The following are major causes of accidents.

— Ladders are not held, tied off, or otherwise secured.
— Slippery surfaces and unfavourable weather conditions cause workers to lose footing on rungs or steps.
— Workers fail to grip ladders adequately when climbing up or down.
— Workers take unsafe positions on ladders (such as leaning out too far).
— Placement on poor footing or at improper angles causes ladders to slide.
— Ladders are defective.
— High winds cause ladders to topple.
— Near electrical lines, ladders are carelessly handled or improperly positioned.
— Ladder stabilizers are not used where appropriate

We should always consider and plan for the safest way of undertaking work that cannot be done on or from ground level or while standing on the finished floor of a building or structure. In some cases, the use of ladders may be required. However, when dealing with elevated work or when working at heights, itʼs important to first consider whether the use of scaffolding, work platforms or powered
elevating work platforms (PEWPs) is more appropriate and a safer alternative to ladders. If it is determined that a ladder will be used, then a risk assessment of the ladder work should be done.

This chapter provides guidelines for selecting, setting up, maintaining, and using ladders. Because ladders are frequently used in the construction industry, there are many thousands of hours of exposure to ladder hazards every week.

to download PDF and read more   click here

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Skilled trades a vanishing breed

By PJ WILSON, The Nugget

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Canada is not alone
America Needs Skilled Tradespeople

Our Skilled Trade dilemma is echoed in the United States. Get yourself involved or encourage someone you know to get involved with a skilled trade today. You will always have work, job security, and a decent rate of pay......  

Here is the American perspective.

HUNTERSVILLE, N.C., Sept. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — America has a shortage of professional tradesmen. According to ManpowerGroup’s 2012 report, our nation’s number one category of the hardest jobs to fill is that of skilled tradesmen. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that more than one third of skilled tradesmen are over the age of 50. In fact, for every three tradesmen who retire, there’s only one skilled person trained to perform the work. These trends could mean trouble for a rebounding America. At the heart of this shortfall of plumbers, welders, roofers, masons, auto mechanics and other skilled workers is a culture that fails to honor the hard work that these men and women do every day, despite job openings and opportunities to earn good wages as tradesmen.
redOrbit (

To read on Click here

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rain Tires Anyone

Flamboro Speeway is one of my favourite tracks.  It is really tough to drive fast on.  It teaches car control and the limits of your race car.  We have a small 1 point lead in the Ontario Pro Challenge points.  We need to have a great night to build up our lead.  Mostly I just wanted to perform well in front of my family, friends, hockey and soccer teams. The kids from hockey and soccer signed the back bumper of the car.  It was cool to see them all cheering in the stands wearing their jerseys. We started last again on the outside.  We passed the 02 car for 1 more point towards the championship.   The car was hooked up, the left front tire was lifting off the ground under power.  It was the best car I have ever driven at Flamboro.  We finished a close second in the heat.  Starting 8th in the feature, we needed a good start.  Up to the front and overtaking the leader on lap 3.  Thats when it went crazy.  On lap 4 it started raining, and I dont mean a little bit of rain.  I could hardly see out the front window from the lights and the raindrops. I slowed down and watched the flagman.  If we get to lap #15 that is half way and considered a complete race.  I kept an eye on the competition behind me and had to be very carefull driving.  These slick tire have zero grip on wet asphalt.  we slid into, through the middle and out of every turn.  Did I foget to mention..... Flamboro is a tough track on a dry day.  We held on to lap #15 and they through us the checkers. Our 4th feature win out of 9 races.  This has been our best seaon so far and we gained 6 more points.  We now lead by a very slim 7 points going into Sunset for the seasons final race.  Lets hope the weatherman keeps the track dry.  Come and cheer us on to see if we can become 3 time champions.

A Spin And A Win

Mosport is the fastest track that we race at. It is very slippery and has huge bumps too. Race car set up is critical if you want to be a top running car. We made some big front and rear suspension changes. We softened the car up to absorb the big bumps and let the tires bite into the track more. This seemed to work very well as we tested the car in practice. After 3 crew members worked on the car for an hour, we found the right setup. Last starting spot in the heat race, and we charged to the front in 4 laps. The car was good and we breezed through tech inspection. Onto the feature, where we started in 7th position. On the opening lap we went to the outside in turn #1. This turned out bad for us. The 24 car slid up the track and knocked our car sideways up into the marbles. From there all I could do was sit patiently as the car spun completely around at about 100 Km/hr. Having the back half of the field driving straight at the front of the car is not a comforting feeling. Once I opened my eyes, the race was restarted, with the apprenticesearch car in last place. This is not what we needed to have happen while we are trying to take over the points lead. I was surprisingly calm inside the car. We took the green flag and I drove it like I stole it. From last to first place in 8 laps. The car was incredible. I passed 2 cars on the front straight at the same time. We put in solid lap times until lap 25 when Ken "Lightening" Lillycrop #00 had contact and flipped upside down on the front straight. He slid forever on his roof. They red flagged the race and called it off at 25 laps. We won from the back. It was a huge accomplishment for our team. A funny note about the flip over. His # was still 00 even when he was upside down, and he slid upside down past the start/finish line to complete his last lap. Off to our home track, Flamboro Speedway. We need another win to keep the points lead.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ontario, Canada's apprenticeship programs develop top talent

Ontario has one of the best educated workforces in the G7. The province's apprenticeship system plays a big role in its success at attracting investors and in helping businesses thrive in international markets. More than 62 per cent of Ontario workers have a post-secondary education – a higher percentage than in any other developed country.

A network of 20 universities and 24 colleges train students in every field, from the skilled trades to the most advanced areas of science, engineering and business. There are apprenticeship programs for more than 150 skilled trades in four sectors: construction, motive power, industrial and services, which build a well-educated and highly skilled workforce that companies can depend on in order to operate, innovate and succeed.

Ontario's Apprenticeship programs

Ontario's apprenticeship programs are part of the reason Ontario is on the cutting edge of advanced manufacturing industries, clean energy and clean technology, and more. The simple fact is that smart, highly skilled and talented employees make smart products.

Ontario's apprenticeship programs range from two to five years. Through the programs, students work under the supervision of a person in the industry. The programs incorporate on-the-job training with an in-school component provided at Ontario colleges.

As of summer 2012 more than 120,000 apprentices are learning a trade in Ontario. Annual enrolment is up 13,000 as students look to get on-the-job experience to enhance their skill sets. The benefits to investors are enormous, as businesses can find the right people for the job.

To read more click this link

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Some apprenticeships in Western Ontario

Job# 12066 CNC Programmer in Cambridge x 2 0yr apprentice
Job# 12072 Electrician in Waterloo x1 4th yr apprentice
Job# 12078 General Machinist in Cambridge x1 0yr apprentice
Job# 12085 Instrumentation & Control Tech in Hamilton x4 1st yr apprentice

For these apprenticeships and more goto and login.

If you don't have an account you can create one for FREE here by supplying some basic information about yourself and uploading your resume. When approved you can search our database for apprenticeships across Ontario. If you are an employer wanting to post a FREE apprenticeship vacancy and have a profile login and create a job posting. If need to create a profile, and upload a job you can here If you already have an account and can't remeber your username and or password contact us at or phone 1.877.905.2748 x20

McGuinty Government Making Postsecondary Education More Affordable

Ontario is cutting the red tape and streamlining the application process for full-time college and university students seeking help from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).This is including apprenticeships!

This year, the government has introduced OSAP Express, a streamlined application process for the over 300,000 OSAP applicants and recipients. OSAP Express:

- Requires a student to sign a loan agreement only once throughout their entire postsecondary studies.

- Speeds up the enrolment verification process and direct deposit options.

- Means no more lining up for hours, multiple times per semester of every year at financial aid offices.

In addition to a streamlined application process for OSAP, students will benefit from the new 30% Off Ontario Tuition grant. The grant helps keep the cost of postsecondary education affordable by offering refunds of $1,680 to students in university or college degree programs and $770 to students in college diploma and certificate programs.

Helping Ontario students with the cost of university, college or an apprenticeship is part of the McGuinty government's plan to keep postsecondary education within all families' reach, while building the best-educated workforce in the world. Click here for more information

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



The construction regulation (O. Reg. 213/91)requires that any worker who may be endangered by vehicular traffic on a project must wear a garment that provides a high level of visibility.
There are two distinct features to high-visibility clothing.

Background Material

This is the fabric from which the garment is made. It must be fluorescent orange or bright orange in colour and afford increased daytime visibility to the wearer. Fluorescent orange provides a higher level of daytime visibility and is recommended.....

To read on download a PDF version of this documnet click here

Monday, September 10, 2012

Some jobs in the Western region

Job# 11898 Truck & Trailer Service Technician in Guelph, 3rd year apprentice
Job# 12057 Plumber in Stoney Creek, 1st or 2nd year apprentice
Job# 12058 General Machinist in Cambridge, 2nd year apprentice
Job# 12053 Powered Lift Truck Technician in Stoney Creek 1st year apprentice
Job# 12052 Sheet Metal Worker in Hamilton, 2nd year apprentice

For access to these apprenticeships and more
go to to register and apply.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Safety : Importance of WHMIS on the job site


Frequently construction trades are required to work with new hazardous materials or previously installed hazardous materials requiring repair, maintenance, or removal. Some materials used for many years and thought to be harmless are now known to be hazardous.

Proper handling requires careful planning, training, and use of personal protective equipment or controls.

Some hazardous materials common in construction are

– compressed gas (acetylene, nitrogen, oxygen)
– flammable and combustible materials (solvents)
– oxidizing materials (epoxy hardeners)
– solvents, coatings, and sealers
– asbestos and silica
– acids and alkalis.

Learn to identify potential hazards

To read more with illustrations download PDF here

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Some jobs in the Western region

Job# 12008 Automotive Service Technician 2nd yr in Hamilton
Job# 11985 Truck & Coach Technician 2nd yr in Baden
Job# 11983 Industrial Millwright Mechanic 0yr in Cambridge
Job# 11979 Powered Lift Truck Technician 0yr in Kitchener
Job# 12022 Automotive Service Technician 2nd yr in Stoney Creek
Job# 12023 Electrician (Construction & Maint) x25 1st yr in Kitchener
Job# 12026 Mould Maker 0yr in Stoney Creek
Job# 12029 Electrician (Construction & Maint) x2 4th yr in Binbrook
Job# 12034 Plumber x2 2nd yr in Hamilton
Job# 12035 Auto Body Repairer 1st yr in Hamilton
Job# 12038 Truck & Trailer Service Technician 4th yr in St.Agatha

To apply to these apprenticeships and more goto and sign-in using your username and password or create a profile and upload your resume for free.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Check out our new video in our About Trades section of website. Watch them all with English & French Subs.

Check out our new video About Trades - Tool & Die Maker Apprentice. Just 1 in a series of new videos has produced for you to view and hopefully learn from.

Our other videos and more can be found at
or on our YouTube channel at


Monday, September 3, 2012

Rain Out At Flamboro

Mother Nature won the race.  Our whole team was prepared and ready to win....  Need to wait until next time.  Off to Mosport our largest track.

Packed House at Varney

Every race we attend at Varney ends up being standing room only.  The place was jam packed.  It was also a driver introduction/fan appreciation night. It was extremely hot and our series was asked if we would run a 50 lap feature race.  The heat race was good, we finished 4th.  Our top 3 drivers all broke the track record.  Every car was setting lap times less then 14 seconds.  The track is high banked and very hard on the race cars.  Fan appreciation was cool, it was great to see return spectators from last year.  The feature was the fastest, craziest, spark flying race ever.  The cars were even faster once the sun went down.  The sparks from the bottom of the cars put on a good show for the fans.  The 50 lap feature went caution free.  Not a single driver made a mistake, everyone drove great.  We started last and worked our butts off to get up to 5th position.  The race was over before we knew it.  Hopefully next year they take my offer of a 75 lap feature.  That would also set a record for Pro Challenge.  Up next is our home track, Flamboro Speedway.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Check out our new video in our About Trades section of website. Watch them all.

Check out our new video About Trades - Plumbing Apprentice. Just 1 in a series of new videos has produced for you to view and hopefully learn from.

Our other videos and more can be found at
or on our YouTube channel at

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cambridge man North America’s top apprentice plumber

From:  Jeff Hicks, Record staff - Tue Aug 21 2012

Cambridge man North America’s top apprentice plumber

 KITCHENER — Ben Wagner bought himself a new remote-controlled mini-monster truck.

That’s how the 34-year-old Hespeler man celebrated winning the United Association’s international apprenticeship competition for plumbing last week in Ann Arbor, Mich.

It’s a Savage X red-and-grey gas-powered demon. “It’ll do 70 kilometres-an-hour,” Wagner beamed.

That’s about how quickly Wagner’s dad Doug – a retired Guelph plumber – sped toward his son on his riding mower last Friday when Ben delivered the news to his parents at their Rockwood home.

“I saw my dad on the lawn mower,” Wagner said. “He looked up and saw me. He came full-blast right up to me.”

In June, Wagner won the national title in Toronto.

Now, he wears the North American crown. Read on....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Safety: PERSONAL on the job Back Care


Nearly 25% of the lost-time injuries in construction are related to the back. More than half of these injuries result from lifting excessive weight or lifting incorrectly.

To prevent injuries, you need

1. proper posture
2. correct lifting techniques
3. regular exercise.


Correct posture is not an erect, military pose. It means maintaining the naturally occurring curves in your spine.

You have two inward curves – at the neck and low back – and one outward curve at the upper back.

Keeping your spine aligned in this manner reduces everyday stresses on your back and minimizes the effects of the normal aging process on the spine.

When working in a crouched, bent, or stooping position for a prolonged period, take regular breaks by standing up and bending backwards three times.

for more diagrams and information click here to read on

Check out our new video in our About Trades section of website. Watch them all.

Check out our new video About Trades - Chef Apprentice. Just 1 in a series of new videos has produced for you to view and hopefully learn from.

Our other videos and more can be found at
or on our YouTube channel at

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Piggy Back rides at 70 MPH

Sunset Speedway always has spectacular racing. The track surface is great for side by side racing. The car usually runs well at Sunset. It was Fan Appreciation night this time around. Hero cards and about 2500 bubble gums later we were ready to race. The racing action was very close, cars everywhere on the track. This is where the "Piggy Back" title come into play. I was passing the 38 car when he turned left on the front straightaway to put a block on our car. I kept my foot into the gas pedal, I thought I had enough room and also thought he would move up the track a little. I was wrong and our tires touched. The next thing I know, I am on top of his car looking into the sky. My hands were knocked off the steering wheel and I was along for the ride. We went really far down the track, 38 has a good motor under the hood. I was hard on the brakes, but we just could not get separated. Until the next corner when we turned left again. Some how we both had only minor damage, finished the race and made it out for the feature. My crew of Tex, Jason, Mikey, Jim, and some other race team members Joel and Kenny had the car patched up and ready to go in about an hour. Out for the feature and the car was perfect. We tried as hard as we could, but the top 3 cars were all the same speed, no mistakes were made and we looked like a train the whole race. It was a fun night and a great 3rd place finish. Second in Ontario Pra Challenge Points and 3rd in Pro Challenge National points. Shaping up to be another successfull year. Varney is next, lets hope for a better result than last years race.

Three, Two, Won !!!!!!

Flamboro Speedway has always been a special place for the race team.  This past race was a perfect night for us.  A Grisdale Late model triple crown event  was shared with our Pro Challenge cars.  In front of a packed grandstand, pit area and a jammed VIP suite we started our heat race in last place.  The line up is set based on feature finishing avaerages.  So far this season we have the best average, so we start at the rear of the field.  This is tough as we are in 2nd place in the points, yet the driver we are chasing starts ahead of us.  We wasted no time in the heat and needed to gain some valuable points.  A quick jump on lap #2 put us into 2nd place and a lap later we took the lead.  We faced a very slippery track, due the hot weather and all the extra late models. Taking the heat win was a big effort that we are proud of.  We lined up in 6th position for the feature.  After several fast laps our car became better in the turns.  Small adjustments after the heat really paid off.  We passed all the drivers and took the lead before lap 10.  We had to keep a close eye on the field behind us, but the car was just great.  Probably the best car I have ever driven at Flamboro.  We won the big 30 lap feature and had a huge celebration after.  Thanks to All my crew for their support and encouragement.  I would not be able to challenge for wins without thier hard work.  Sunset is next and hopefully another great weekend.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

6 Months in Review Activity Report

- With increasing interest in careers in the skilled trades, there is a growing need for accurate information related to job opportunities and trends

-The charts in this report reflect six months of active job seeker and employer activity on the website between December 1st 2011 - May 31st 2012

-This report is part of a series of ‘Review’ reports periodically issued by

click here to download PDF

Work Site Safety - Scaffolds


1. Introduction
2. Problem areas
3. Selection
4. Basic types of scaffolds
5. Scaffold components
6. Erecting and dismantling scaffolds
7. Scaffold stability
8. Platforms
9. Proper use of scaffolds


More than half of scaffold accidents in Ontario construction are falls. Several fatalities are also related to scaffolds each year. The number and severity of injuries involved make scaffold accidents one of the more serious safety problems in construction.


The main problem areas are
• erecting and dismantling scaffolds
• climbing up and down scaffolds
• planks sliding off or breaking
• improper loading or overloading
• platforms not fully planked or “decked”
• platforms without guardrails
• failure to install all required components such as base plates, connections, and braces
• moving rolling scaffolds in the vicinity of overhead electrical wires
• moving rolling scaffolds with workers on the platform.

2.1 Erecting and Dismantling

From 15 to 20% of scaffold-related injuries involve erecting and dismantling. The most common problem is the failure to provide an adequate working platform for a worker to use when installing the next lift of scaffold. Working from one or two planks is not recommended.

The next important consideration involves components, such as tie-ins, which you should install as the assembly progresses. Failure to do so makes the scaffold less stable and, while it may not topple, it may sway or move enough to knock someone off the platform. This happens more often when platforms are only one or two planks wide and guardrails are missing, as is frequently the case during erection and dismantling.

download PDF to read on

Another one of our new videos from the About Trades series. Watch them all.

Check out our new video About Trades - Mould Maker Apprentice. Just 1 in a series of new videos has produced for you to view and hopefully learn from.

Our other videos and more can be found at
or on our YouTube channel at

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ontario College of Trades a win for skilled tradespeople and consumers

Published on Tuesday August 07, 2012

Josh Mandryk/Toronto Star

Ron Johnson is chair of the board of governors at the new Ontario College of Trades.

The yet-to-launch Ontario College of Trades (OCOT) has been under intense fire from construction employers who are calling for it to be abolished or overhauled before it even gets off the ground. Most recently, the Ontario Construction Employer Coalition has decried the OCOT’s proposed fee structure, characterizing it as little more than a “tax grab.”

Reasonable people can disagree on how and by whom the OCOT should be funded — this is precisely why there’s been an open consultation process on such matters from the get-go — but the important role it will play should hardly be in dispute.

Simply put, the OCOT is a North American first that will benefit skilled tradespeople and the general public as consumers.

The OCOT is the professional college for Ontario’s 500,000 skilled tradespeople. When operational, it will be the first College of Trades in North America and the largest professional college in Ontario. It will put Ontario’s skilled tradespeople on an equal footing with doctors, nurses and teachers by giving them a professional college of their own. It will give Ontario’s skilled tradespeople a voice in important public policy debates and empower them to shape the future paths of their industries.

Perhaps equally important, the OCOT will also benefit consumers. Part of its mandate is an investigatory and disciplinary function for complaints. As such, it will serve as a means for consumers to hold unscrupulous contractors to account for shoddy craftsmanship, whereas they might currently be prevented from doing so through more costly and cumbersome legal alternatives.

In light of this function, it becomes easier to understand why certain construction contractors might be opposed to the OCOT.

The OCOT will also be charged with the crucially important task of attracting and recruiting the next generation of Ontario’s skilled tradespeople.

read on.....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jobs/Apprenticeships in the Western Region

Here some apprenticeships available in the Western region of Ontario on

Truck & Coach Technician Job# 11860 x2 apprentices 0 yr experience
in Cambridge

Industrial Electrician Job# 11867 x1 apprentice 3rd yr experience
in Ancaster

Baker Job# 11871 x2 apprentices 2nd yr experience
in Cambridge

Tool & Die Maker Job# 11873 x1 apprentice 1st yr experience
in Stoney Creek

Automotive Service Technician Job# 11875 x1 apprentice 2-4th yr experience
in Flamborough/Waterdown

Terrazzo Tile Setter Job# 11890 x2 apprentices 0 yr experience
in Hamilton

Construction Craft Worker Job# 11891 x1 apprentice 0 yr experience
in Hamilton

Machine Tool Builder Job# 11895 x2 apprentices 0 yr experience
in Cambridge

Truck & Coach Technician Job# 11898 x1 apprentice 3rd yr experience
in Guelph

Auto Body Repairer Job#11909 x2 apprentices 2nd yr experience
in Hamilton

Automotive Painter Job# 11910 x1 apprentice 4th yr experience
in Hamilton

If you are not registered on to create a profile and upload your resume click here. If you already havea a profile sign in and apply here to these and many other positions.

Friday, July 27, 2012

One of our new videos from the About Trades series. Watch them all.

Check out our new video About Trades - Truck & Coach Technician. Just 1 in a series of new videos has produced for you to view and hopefully learn from.

Our other videos and more can be found at
or on our YouTube channel at

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sudbury MPP says not enough apprentices being trained

City short 1,000 skilled tradespeople

Garfield Dunlop, the MPP for Simcoe North and the Progressive Conservatives' apprenticeship reform critic, along with Paula Peroni, the Progressive Conservatives' candidate in Nickel Belt in the last provincial election, went on a tour of Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. July 17. Photo by Heidi Ulrichsen.By: Heidi Ulrichsen - Sudbury Northern Life Staff

Pictured left: Garfield Dunlop, the MPP for Simcoe North and the Progressive Conservatives' apprenticeship reform critic, along with Paula Peroni, the Progressive Conservatives' candidate in Nickel Belt in the last provincial election, went on a tour of Mansour Mining Technologies Inc. July 17. Photo by Heidi Ulrichsen.

Milad Mansour said he's a great believer in apprenticeship.

Right now, his Sudbury-based company, Mansour Mining Technologies Inc., is helping about 15 apprentices learn their trades through on-the-job training.

The trouble is there's such a shortage of skilled tradespeople in Greater Sudbury right now that the city's two large mining companies often “steal” his apprentices by offering them better pay and benefits, Mansour said.

In the long-term, the only thing that will solve this problem is to train more apprentices so the shortage doesn't exist, Mansour said.

Garfield Dunlop, the Progressive Conservative MPP for Simcoe North and the critic for apprenticeship reform, said he has a few ideas about how to end the skilled tradesperson shortage.

Along with Paula Peroni, the Progressive Conservatives' candidate in Nickel Belt in the last provincial election, Dunlop toured Mansour's business July 17. The MPP is visiting a number of communities this summer as he prepares to write a policy paper for his party on apprenticeship.

In Dunlop's opinion, the rules surrounding apprenticeships in Ontario is making the shortage of skilled tradespeople worse.

In most of the country, companies are allowed to have as many apprentices as they have skilled tradespeople. However, in Ontario, companies must have three skilled tradespeople for every apprentice they have, which limits the amount of people they can train.

“Right now, we're in the dark ages compared to the rest of the country,” Dunlop said, adding that he's been hearing complaints about the apprenticeship ratio system from businesspeople across the province.

This problem is even more pronounced in the Greater Sudbury area because of the boom in the mining industry, he said. Dunlop said he learned from Mayor Marianne Matichuk that the city is currently short about 1,000 skilled tradespeople......

 To read on.....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Cold stress and heat stress
- Lead exposure
- Tools of the trade
- Site preparation and steel erection
- Safe access and fall protection
- Mobile welding rigs

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Clothing: Many injuries can be prevented by choosing the right clothing. Don’t have cuffs on your pants or sleeves because they can get caught on something and cause you to fall. Cuffs can also catch sparks and cause a burn. Hearing protection: Hearing protection is a must for today’s ironworker. Hammering, reaming, and equipment all produce noise at levels that can harm your hearing. Wear appropriate hearing protection. It should filter out noise above 85 decibels but still allow you to communicate with your co-workers and hear any alarms or warnings. Reduce the risk of infection: Make sure that your hands are clean before using expanding foam hearing protection.

Eye protection: Wear proper eye protection when reaming drilling, grinding, burning, welding—or whenever hazards require it. The right eye protection can be different for different activities. For example, it’s common for ironworkers to perform activities such as gas cutting and stud welding. These activities would require the use of Class 2C goggles for radiation protection. It is also common for ironworkers to be grinding and cutting. These activities would require the use of a full face shield to reduce the risk of injury from flying objects and particles. At some jobsites, eye protection is mandatory. Always wear eye protection as required. For further information, refer to the chapter on PPE in this manual for a list of activities with recommended eye and face protection.

Skin protection: Ironworkers must protect their skin against burns from hot metal, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, welding radiation, and other hazards. Skin protection includes
• clothing that is flame-resistant and provides UV protection
• long sleeved shirts
• full-length pants
• leather-faced gloves
• sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
Leather-faced gloves provide protection from hot steel and resistance to abrasion.

Head protection: A hard hat complying with the Construction Regulation (Ontario Regulation 213/91) is required on construction projects at all times. A CSA Type 2 Class E or equivalent hat with chinstrap is recommended because ironworkers

• work at elevations in windy conditions
• have increased risk of a lateral impact due to the specific nature of their work.

Please note that hard hats must be worn with the brim forward unless the hat has been tested and the manufacturer confirms that it can be worn with the brim pointing backwards. (The hard hat will have an embossed symbol indicating that it has been certified as safe to be worn backwards.)

Foot protection: Workers must wear CSA certified Grade 1 boots. Boots should also be resistant to electric shock (certified by a white label with the Greek letter omega Ω). Ironworkers should wear boots with slip resistant soles because of the time spent walking on smooth beams.

Hand protection: Gloves are an essential part of everyday PPE. Select your gloves based on site conditions such as temperature, the work being performed, the chance of getting cuts and abrasions, and the dexterity required.

For more information, see the chapter on PPE in this manual.

Click here to download a copy of the 30 page Structural Steel safety manual PDF

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Footwear Safety - Be aware


Ankle injuries represent 65 per cent of all foot injuries in Ontario construction. Properly worn, a CSA-certified Grade 1 workboot meets the requirements of the current construction regulation (O. Reg. 213/91) and helps protect against ankle and other injuries.

One of three CSA grades, Grade 1 offers the highest protection and is the only one allowed in construction. In a Grade 1 boot, a steel toe protects against falling objects while a steel insole prevents punctures to the bottom of the foot.

Grade 1 boots can be identified by

• a green triangular patch imprinted with the CSA logo on the outside of the boot and
• a green label indicating Grade 1 protection on the inside of the boot.

 Grade 1 boots are also available with metatarsal and dielectric protection. A white label with the Greek letter Omega in orange indicates protection against electric shock under dry conditions.

Selection and Fit
Grade 1 boots are available in various styles and sole materials for different types of work. For example, Grade 1 rubber boots may be better suited than leather boots for sewer and watermain or concrete work.

Boots should provide ample “toe room” (toes about 1/2 inch back from the front of steel box toe cap when standing with boots laced).

When fitting boots, allow for heavy work socks. If extra sock liners or special arch supports are to be worn in the boots, insert these when fitting boots.

Care and Use
Lacing boots military style permits rapid removal. In an emergency, the surface lace points can be cut, quickly releasing the boot.

In winter, feet can be kept warm by wearing a pair of light socks covered by a pair of wool socks. Feet should be checked periodically for frostbite.

Use high-cut (260 mm or 9 in) or medium-cut (150 mm or 6 in) CSA Grade 1 workboots. The higher cut helps support the ankle and provides protection from cuts or punctures to the ankle.

click here to download PDF

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

College of Trades moving forward

From the Toronto Star July 11,2012
 Louise Brown
Education Reporter

Ontario trades get own regulatory college

Chris So/The Toronto Star Ron Johnson, chair of the board of directors at the new Ontario College of Trades, stands in the main training hall where students will learn drywalling. The training facility is run with the input of unions and contractors.

They’re the people who make a living at Ontario’s 157 skilled trades: carpenters and plumbers and hairdressers and chefs and the folks who run the construction cranes that are changing Toronto’s skyline.
And Ontario is the first place in North America — maybe beyond — to give them their own fancy regulatory college so they can govern and police their own, just like doctors and teachers and lawyers do.
But even before it opens in January 2013, the Ontario College of Trades has drawn fire from some workers who call its coming fees nothing short of a tax on trades. College officials argue the trades need an independent body to serve as quarterback in tackling Ontario’s urgent skills shortage.
read whole article...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Protecting Outdoor Workers from Tick Bites and Lyme Disease

What is the Health Hazard?

Blacklegged ticks that can transmit Lyme disease are in Ontario, and in more areas than previously thought. Workers who work in certain outdoor areas are at risk for tick bites and developing Lyme disease, and should protect themselves.

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is an infection caused by a bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. In Ontario only bites by the blacklegged ticks (formerly called deer ticks) can spread the disease. Not all blacklegged ticks are infected with the bacteria. These ticks are more commonly found in wooded areas or tall grasslands... Read on

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Super Late Models and Pro Challenge cars at Sunset

Our team has raced for years at Sunset.  This is the first time on the new track on the same day as the Super Late Models.  They are the fastest Outlaw race cars around.  They also happen to run the same Hoosier race tire compound that we do in Pro Challenge.  This made for some extremely fast times on the track.  In fact we were only 3/10ths of a second off the Supers lap times.  We had a good heat race and finished second, gaining 2 more points of the leader.  Then in the feature, we wasted no time moving up.  Every car was almost identical, regardless of the racing line chosen on the track.  Passing inside and then outside we found ourselves about 8 cars lengths back of the top 2 cars.  We started to reel them in and then a caution came out for a spinning car.  This set up a 8 lap race to the end.  It took 3 laps to pass the second place car and start going after the leader.  Congarts to the #20 team on their first win.  We tried hard, but came up 1 spot out of first.
Up next is our home track Flamboro.

Back to the beach

Sunshine and very warm temps greeted us at Sauble Beach this year. There were no waves to be seen in the water, but there were plenty of waves being made at the racetrack. The track was super slippery and was throwing curve balls at every race team. The standard setups would not work and our team worked hard to get a good balance. During the heat races a cool breeze came through and changed the track again. This time for the better. The top running cars were lifting the left front tire off the ground while accelerating out of the corners. It was a real cool feeling with the left front of the car lifting off the track. The races went well, and we are starting to pick away at the points lead. Third in the feature after 30 laps. The car is running fast and looking good for the big race at Sunset.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bombardier CEO says Ontario needs to innovate to reverse manufacturing slump

From the Canadian Free Press

TORONTO - The CEO of transportation giant Bombardier Inc. (TSX:BBD.B) believes that with some innovation, Ontario can turn around a slump in its manufacturing sector, adding that his company has enough work orders to maintain staffing levels at its plants in the province.

Pierre Beaudoin said Tuesday that Ontario's manufacturing base has been seriously eroded by a strong Canadian dollar, uneven demand south of the border and the low cost of labour in emerging markets.

The outlook is bleak, Beaudoin said, but added he has seen prospects charge dramatically through first-hand experience at Bombardier, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in the province.

Bombardier first invested in the province through the purchase of de Havilland and the Urban Transportation Development Corp. in 1992 during another crisis in the manufacturing sector. Read on...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Outdoor and Indoor workers be careful...Heat can be life-threatening

From Infrastructure Health & Safety Association:

Heat stress can occur wherever work operations involve heavy physical labour in hot, humid environments. The locations may be indoors or outdoors. Protective clothing can also contribute to the problem.

Heat stress causes the body's core temperature to rise. A series of disorders can develop, ranging from discomfort and pain (heat rash and heat cramps) to life-threatening conditions (heat exhaustion and heat stroke). read on

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Great start for team

Riding a high from last years big championship winning season we rolled in the opening event ready to race. Starting our heat race in last place, we drove up to second place in top laps. The car was fast and handling very well. The feature was a very fast 30 lap race. We had only 1 small caution for a car that had spun out and brushed the wall. We started in 8th position and drove up to 1st place in 12 laps. From there we were setting some very fast, smooth laps. We had a large bunch of fans join us on the track for pictures and a celebration. We also welcomed a new team member, Tex Nardi. Tex is a truck technician and has a great eye for some ares we could improve the car. Looks like the apprenticesearch team will have another great season.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Mohawk grad wins tech competitions

Joseph Cinq-Mars has had a busy spring.

The 21-year-old won gold at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition and the Canadian Nationals Skill Competition for Millwright in May. He has also been hired on at ESSO Imperial Oil in the Northwest Territories.

Cinq-Mars, who grew up in Cayuga, said it was his shop teachers at Cayuga Secondary School who told him to consider college instead of university engineering.

“I would be sitting in math class thinking about shop. I just found that trades were my passion.”

That passion runs in the family. His father Phil Cinq-Mars owns Cinq-Mar Electric and Remi Gitnac, and a grandfather owns an auto service business.

Read More Story from

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Some jobs openings in Western Ontario

Transmission Technician Job # 11720 in Kitchener # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Sheet Metal Worker Job # 11711 in Stoney Creek # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 1

CNC Programmer Job # 11705 in Kitchener # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Tool Builder/Integrator Job # 11699 in Ancaster # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 0

Tool & Die Maker Job # 11697 in Cambridge # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Tool & Cutter Grinder Job # 11698 in Cambridge # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Auto Body Repairer Job # 11695 in Hamilton # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 1

CNC Programmer Job # 11693 in Kitchener # of Vacancies 3
# of years of apprenticeship 0

General Machinist Job # 11694 in Cambridge # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 1

Auto Service Technician Job # 11675 in Cambridge # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Auto Service Technician Job # 11652 in Kitchener # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 3

General Machinist Job # 11642 in Flamborough # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Auto Service Technician Job # 11583 in Cambridge # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Truck & Coach Technician Job # 11579 in Listowel # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 3

Welder Job # 11503 in Kitchener # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

CNC Programmer Job # 11501 in Kitchener # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 2

Tool/Tooling Maker Job # 11497 in Cambridge # of Vacancies 1
# of years of apprenticeship 1

To apply to to these positions and more go to register for the website and apply to Skilled Trade apprenticeships. Or if you`re undcided about what you may want to do check out our valuable resources and the virtual library of trades...Looking for Free live help check out the contact us section of the website for your local contact information