The health and safety responsibilities of all parties on a construction project are specified in the current Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects.
Responsibilities are prescribed in particular for constructor, employer, supervisor, and worker. Each party has specific responsibilities to fulfill on a construction project.
For more detailed information, consult the current Act and Regulations.
Remember — safety begins with you!
• Appoint a supervisor if 5 or more workers are on the project at the same time. Ensure that the project is supervised at all times.
• A project that lasts more than 3 months and has 20 or more workers must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee.
• If a Joint Health and Safety Committee is not required and there are more than 5 workers, the workers must select a Health and Safety Representative.
• Complete a Ministry of Labour (MOL) registration form.
• Keep a copy of all employer-approved registration forms on site while employers are on the project.
• Send a notification of project to the MOL.
• Develop written emergency procedures, make sure your employees know what they are, and post them on site.
• Ensure ready access to a telephone, two-way radio, or other system in the event of an emergency.
• Report a fatality, critical injury, or other prescribed incident such as a critical injury to the MOL.
• Ensure all workers on site are at least 16 years of age.
• Read Sections 25 and 26 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It lists many of your responsibilities.
• Appoint a supervisor if 5 or more of the employerʼs workers are on the project at the same time. Ensure that they are supervised at all times.
• Provide workers with training as required by law (Working at Heights, WHMIS, etc.).
• Ensure workers are qualified to do work which must be done only by qualified workers (electricians, pipe fitters, etc.).
• Develop written procedures for rescuing a worker whose fall has been arrested (a worker hanging by a harness).
To read more
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